Buyers Guide

Umpire Shin Guards Buying Guide

May 22nd, 2024

Warning. Below could be the most comprehensive buying guide on umpire shin guards ever written or the driest. Most likely, it's both. Regardless, reading it should help you choose which shin guard is right for you. This is why you are reading it, right?

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Umpire Indicator Buying Guide

Jan 30th, 2024

Umpire indicators - often mistakenly called counters or clickers, because of their clicking sound while turning - are essential in keeping up with strikes, balls, outs and with some indicators the inning (or score) as well.

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Umpire Equipment Bags Buying Guide

Jan 15th, 2024

The best umpire equipment bag is up to your preference on size, telescopic (or pull-out) handle and bonus features. Learn which bag is perfect for you and more storage and travel recommendations in this 2-minute buying guide.

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