Bicep Protection for Umpires - Use it or Lose it?
Jun 11th, 2013Some umpire chest protectors like the Diamond Pro, Diamond iX3, and Schutt XV HDX come with added protection for the biceps. Unsure if you need bicep protection or not? We asked our Facebook followers what they thought and they weren't shy with their opinions!
Here's what these fellow umpires had to say:
The majority of umpires simply said "lose it!" and some were more passionate:
Matt Riley - I threw those to a corner of my room the second they came out of the box. I just can't run right with those on and they look stupid hanging out of the shirt. I've never taken a shot there anyway.
JR McNee - Lose it...sure it hurts if you get hit...but you won't get hurt, there is a difference.
Ken Linder - Lose it! from my experience in baseball and softball I have never needed them and it seems like they just get in the way.
Bob Doran - Lose it but wish it was there on the couple of foul balls that get me each year
But the bicep protector did draw some support from the following umpires:
Billy Dunham - Wow. Surprising. I like mine and I guess my sleeves are longer because they don't hang out. I don't recall taking a shot there, but then I've never been hit in the nuts and I'm sure you wear a cup!
Brad Poplin - Thought I didn't need it one game and sure enough, took a shot. Now I keep them, learned my lesson.
Zach Price - Depends on the level of the game. High school and mens league I take shots so use it. Below high school dump it
Joe Halley - Use it and love it
Have an opinion that wasn't shared here? Let us know! And for more information about choosing a chest protectors click here for our CP Buying Guide.
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About the Author

President Jim Kirk
Jim is a leading expert, educator and author on umpire gear, safety & appearance. After playing baseball at Centre College, he worked as a high school umpire. He became involved in E-Commerce while working on an MBA in the early 2000s and bought in 2006, He eventually led it to the leading umpire gear & attire retailer worldwide, a “Best Places to Work in Louisville” honor in 2020, 2021, 2024, and a National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Preferred Vendor. He maintained a long-standing relationship with Minor League Baseball Umpire Development & Training Academy for 10 years. He serves as an adviser to UMPS CARE Charities, the charity of MLB umpires, served as a 2-term board of director from 2012-2018, and was named their 2015 Ambassador Award recipient. A supporter since the inception of the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy, he was named to their Board of Directors in 2020.
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