The Dish: All-Star Cobalt Official Launch

Get an in-depth look into @AllStarSportsVids new line of Cobalt Umpire Gear featuring Stan Jurga, Jr., Matt Arcovio and Jim Kirk.

Products Featured In This Video

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Skull Cap

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Skull Cap

Think Coach’s Helmet for Umpires


All-Star Cobalt Umpire Shin Guards

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Shin Guards

Minimalist Wrap-Around Design


All-Star Cobalt Umpire Chest Protector

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Chest Protector

Moldable Armor Plates


All-Star Internal Shell Umpire Chest Protector

All-Star Internal Shell Umpire Chest Protector

Fast-Pitch Softball Inspired
