Lori Kirk

Senior Advisor

Lori Kirk

New to the Ump-Attire.com Crew, Lori brings a background of educational leadership and writing to the marketing department. As Jim's wife, she has the "inside scoop" on new products and company news. Like Jim, she's an avid sports fan and supporter of officials! When she's not writing blogs or content for our website, you'll most likely find her at a youth baseball/high school softball field cheering on her kids, traveling, reading, volunteering or exercising in the great outdoors.

Articles by Lori

Ump-Attire.com is Now Mobile-AWESOME!

Ump-Attire.com, the leader in online sporting goods for sports officials, has taken the customer experience to a whole new level with the launch of the new responsive capabilities of the website. They've taken mobile-friendly to mobile-AWESOME!

How's Your "Sock Game?"

As you start the season, don't forget umpire gear and referee clothing to outfit the most important tool on the field or court- your feet!

Articles featuring Lori