Official Reviews
June 1, 2023 Verified Purchase
I’m very happy with this mask. It’s incredibly lightweight and comfortable. Well worth the purchase.
April 1, 2023 Verified Purchase
Very lightweight mask. Highly recommended. Pads are a bit thick, but after a couple of games, it worked its way into perfection. Added my UMPLIFE harness.
May 6, 2022 Verified Purchase
WOW Lighter than my wallet. Neck strain gone. Took a direct hit on 95mph knocked me back but mask absorbed everything.
July 1, 2021 Verified Purchase
Very light! I found the harness a tiny bit small and replaced it right away to get the adjustment I like (loose). The bars are thin/flat which required a minor adjustment in how I hold my head to get full view. Within a couple batters it was all figured out.
March 11, 2021 Verified Purchase
I love this umpire mask by All-Star. It is super lite. Wore it last weekend and took one off the front of the mask and never felt it. I would recommend this umpire mask. It is worth every penny.
September 11, 2019 Verified Purchase
"Crazy light! Can't wait to compare to the Wilson Aluminum that I have used. Will edit with game thoughts." - Now that I have used it for a season, it's by far my favorite umpire mask. The only downside to the silver cage is that the silver coating fades to a dull white with wear (tucking it under my arm and holding it in the left hand during plays on the field). I've recently ordered the black version, hoping it doesn't do the same. I never had an issue with glare with my silver mask.
June 29, 2019 Verified Purchase
Love this new umpire mask. Super light, super comfortable. Took a foul tip square off the mask and didn't feel it. My only downside so far has been the silver grill having reflection issues with night game lights. Almost acts like a mirror and at certain angles it will reflect light into my eyes. Not a major problem but I would probably lean towards going with the black next time. Still love it.
November 24, 2018 Verified Purchase
I had the First Edition Force3 mask for the last 4 years, and loved it for its protection, but it was so heavy! This mask is undeniably the lightest mask I've ever owned with the same protection as the Force3. Love love love it!
October 26, 2018
Very light umpire mask which gives you great vision of the strike zone and the entire ball field. I have used it with a 4 and 6 stitch hat without any issues. The big test will be the first shot I take with the mask. Have used the Force3 Defender mask as well, which really can take a hit, but is quite heavy comparatively. We shall see how this mask does in time.
October 22, 2018
This is an unbelievably light umpire mask that provides excellent field of vision. Now I understand why so many MLB guys are switching to this. It's unique design takes a little getting used to but once you get dialed in it's awesome. Because the mask is more convex than most and has thicker padding, your eyes are set back more than a traditional mask. It's feels odd at first, however, once you make the adjustment you're set. (I have no issues using a 6 stitch hat.)
October 7, 2018
I have this umpire mask and have to say I love it. Have to disagree on the four stitch hat comment as I have no issue with a six stitch hat. I'm very satisfied with the stock pads and have no problems with any view of the zone while wearing this mask. Wish I had the black one though.
October 4, 2018 Verified Purchase
Great umpire mask. Does not get any lighter. Looks outstanding! You will want a 4 stitch hat with this for better vision as the mask has less room on top than traditional styles. Also, leaves room between cage and brim of hat which leads to better safety. I switched to the traditional LUC (smaller) pad which opens up vision better on low pitches without having to move head.
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